The Article
Chord Anthem Tuned ARAY streaming cable
22nd May 2016

The Anthem Tuned ARAY streaming cable is a completely new design and features a brand new style of insulating material. Although The Chord Company has used gas-foamed dielectrics before, the one used in the new Anthem Tuned ARAY streaming cable is different. It uses a thin internal and outer skin combination with a gas-foamed internal.
The conductors are silver-plated copper arranged in individually shielded pairs and The Chord Company has specified the same connector that has been used on its high-end Indigo and Sarum streaming cables.
The new Signature Tuned ARAY streaming cable uses the same dielectric and silver-plated conductors as the Anthem Tuned ARAY and the cable configuration is the same (consisting of four separately shielded pairs of conductors) but these are heavier gauge conductors with improvements made to the density of the shielding and the overall outer shielding.
The Anthem Tuned ARAY streaming cable is priced at £450 for one metre plus £50 per additional metre. The Signature Tuned ARAY streaming cable is priced at £750 for one metre plus £100 per additional metre.
Call 01980 625700 or click on for more information.